Gifts for a Cheating Ex

Photo by via Wikimedia Commons

Every Christmas since 2016, I’ve been publishing a humorous list of 12 gifts for an unfaithful ex, with each year’s items more outrageous than the previous ones. The only year I failed to compile one was 2017 because of a shortage of  cheating exes that year.

The mantra of my first book, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not,  was that the best revenge is to get past the need for it. So, I’m writing these lists to make you laugh rather than to encourage you to have vengeance on your ex. After all, a lot of these gifts are one-of-a-kind and unavailable even if you did want to present them to your former beloved. Sorry about that!

Apologies in advance if you’re faint of heart, but it’s the one time of year that my blog is rude, crude and out of control. Happy holidays!

Here are links to the lists so far: